Steve Milner B.Sc (Hons) Geology (Dunelm)


Geologist / Mining Title Consultant

Steve has a B.Sc.(Hons) Geology (Dunelm) from the University of Durham, England. He is a Member of Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and has been with Austwide since 2008.

Steve has 30 years’ experience as a Geologist in Africa (Rhodesia and South West Africa/Namibia) and Australia, including 12 years as Exploration Manager; greenfields and brownfields exploration; resource development; and land access issues including negotiating agreements with native title claimants. He has 7 years in education in business development and project management; writing/developing education/training programmes for the mining industry; lecturing; participation in Centre for Sustainable Resource Processing.

Steve has experience in the areas of land access negotiation and Native Title, and now specializes in producing Mining Proposals, Mine Closure Plans, geological technical reporting, Annual Environmental Reports, MRF, and special research projects.